week 3 - august 26th to 30th

Camila Mardones A. 23 Ago23 de Agosto a las 12:14 hrs.2024-08-23 12:14:23

Dear students, remember this week we checked language related to moving around (top on / top off / top up, underground, subway, rail, public transportation, streetcars) as well as future conditional. 
Next week we will be working on: 

Reading, listening, writing, and speaking activities.

Grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities.
We will start preparing for our first writing task.

Remember to be punctual, it's 75% attendance and only 5 minutes to be late, get up early and arrive in time, you can only be absent for 6 lessons out of 30.
See you in class!

Última Modificación 23 Ago23 de Agosto a las 12:14 hrs.2024-08-23 12:14:23
Vistas Únicas 6