Week 17 8

Rosa Zagal C. 4 Dec 202304/12/23 at 17:382023-12-04 17:38:04
Class 1

Final Written Test

Week 16 6

Rosa Zagal C. 1 Dec 202301/12/23 at 17:332023-12-01 17:33:01
Class 2

Final Oral Exam

Week 16 2

Rosa Zagal C. 27 Nov 202327/11/23 at 13:102023-11-27 13:10:27
Class 1

Practicing on comparatives
Adverbs of degree + comparative adjectives
Comparing with adverbs
Comparing with as....as
Asking for and giving description
Use of Base and Strong adjectives + adverb of degree
Listening comprehension exercise

Week 15 8

Rosa Zagal C. 24 Nov 202324/11/23 at 22:262023-11-24 22:26:24
Class 2

Making comparisons
Talking about records (superlatives)
Rules of comparisons and superlatives
Vocabulary exericise - adjectives

Week 15 10

Rosa Zagal C. 20 Nov 202320/11/23 at 12:122023-11-20 12:12:20
Class 1

Listening Comprehension exercise - Soccer research
Vocabulary exercise of verbs and sport equipment - Topic sports
Answering a puzzle

Week 14 7

Rosa Zagal C. 20 Nov 202320/11/23 at 12:082023-11-20 12:08:20
Class 2

Class online
Listening comprehension exercise - New York Marathon
Speaking exercise to use sports related vocabulary

Week 14 6

Rosa Zagal C. 13 Nov 202313/11/23 at 19:022023-11-13 19:02:13
Class 1

Listening comprehension to practice MODALS - The word of the year
Exercise for  have to - don't have to - Mustn't
Listening comprehension exercise about sports
Making conversation from example - Why don't you come with us?
Vocabulary exercise related to sports

Week 13 4

Rosa Zagal C. 13 Nov 202313/11/23 at 19:022023-11-13 19:02:13
Class 2

Introducing the MODAL VERBS
Listening comprehension exercise - Sorry I couldn't come
Exercise using all different modal to express one's true situation
Fill in the blanks exercise
Practice for MAIL 2

Week 13 11

Rosa Zagal C. 6 Nov 202306/11/23 at 17:382023-11-06 17:38:06
Class 1

Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercise - Healthy eating
Listening comprehension exercise - Ordering at a restaurant
Making a waiter-costumer conversation
It is a kind of.....

Week 12 11

Rosa Zagal C. 3 Nov 202303/11/23 at 17:142023-11-03 17:14:03
Class 1