(S.1) Scientific English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Blog entry #4 (2%)

René Larenas M. 30 Oct 202330/10/23 a las 09:05 hrs.2023-10-30 09:05:30

Dear Students,

Your grades for the 'Blog Entry #4' activity have already been uploaded. Please take a look at them.
For the students who haven't written the 4th entry yet, I encourage them to do it ASAP. You've got until this Friday (Oct. 3rd, 23:59)

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

Best Regards
Categoría Information for next lesson
Última Modificación 30 Oct 202330/10/23 a las 09:05 hrs.2023-10-30 09:05:30
Vistas Únicas 10