Contents Week 14 - 17 3

Claudia Marquez 11 JulJuly 11 at 11:282024-07-11 11:28:11

Week 14
(Class 14.1)
- Grammar: What’s he / she like?
- Vocabulary: adjectives to describe people physically and psychologically

(Class 14.2)
- Skill Reading: Have you ever met a famous person?
- Grammar: past continuous
- Vocabulary: fit, shy, lazy…

Week 15
(Class 15.1)
- Grammar: order of adjectives and adjective endings -ed -ing
- Grammar: Past simple and past continuous to describe people you met in the past
- Skill: Listening comprehension practice 

(Class 15.2)
- Video ' How to keep a conversation going' 
- Skill Speaking Agree and disagree with someone
- Grammar: matching sentences and replies 

Week 16
(Class 16.1)
- General review: vocabulary and grammar
- Listening, reading, and writing practice

(Class 16.2)
- Oral Test practice and preparation
- Speaking Tips 

Week 17
(Class 17.2) FINAL ORAL TEST

Información Cierre de Semestre 7

Claudia Marquez 3 JulJuly 3 at 19:422024-07-03 19:42:03

Estimados estudiantes,
junto con saludar informo que esta semana se retoman las clases presenciales de Inglés. 
Con respecto al cierre de semestre comparto los siguientes puntos:

1. Se elimina el requisito de asistencia mínima para presentarse a los exámenes finales.  
2. La semana del 1 de julio será de "marcha blanca" y no se aplicará ninguna evaluación calificada (trabajos, tareas, pruebas, etc.). 
3. Con respecto a las fechas de cierre del 1er semestre, la Facultad de Ciencias se mantiene su calendario original, las fechas originalmente programadas para sus exámenes finales del 1er semestre, es decir, en la semana del 8 de julio, para cerrar actas como máximo el viernes 19 (recuerden que el lunes 15 y el martes 16 serán feriados).
La nueva distribución de ponderaciones sería la siguiente:
1. Task 1 Email:       15%
2. Task 2 Mini Report: 15%
3. Final Oral Test:    35%
4. Final Written Test: 35%  
Saludos cordiales

Contents Week 11 - 13 5

Claudia Marquez 16 JunJune 16 at 18:222024-06-16 18:22:16

Week 11
(Class 11.1)
- Objective: Inviting someone to join you in your plans for later.
- Reading: 'Teen Stress'
- Vocabulary: sports, places & equipment
- Writing: Teen Stress Exercises
- Grammar: Questions about the future (What are you going to...)
(Class 11.2)
- Reading: The stress of social media
- Vocabulary: internet, web pages, apps  / common expressions 
- Skill: speaking 'The stress of social media'

Week 12 
(Class 12.1)
- Objective: Oral and written practice of conversations: inviting a friend to some sports activity.
- Grammar: Frequency Adverbs
- Vocabulary: deal with, cope with, handle, manage
- Video 'Managing stress'
- Discussion 'How do you cope with stress'
(Class 12.2)
- Objective: Finding out train information and planning a trip.
- Grammar: comparatives and superlatives
- Vocabulary: means of transport

Week 13
(Class 13.1)
- Objective: Comparing different means of transport
- Vocabulary: irregular comparatives & superlatives
- Skill: speaking 'recommending places around the city and how to get there'
(Class 13.2)
- Objective: Describing your best / worst trip.
- Skill: Listening comprehension about travelling 'Traveling abroad'
- Vocabulary: timetables, tickets, platforms, stations, fares, etc.

Week 12 (June 06 and 07) 7

Claudia Marquez 5 JunJune 5 at 19:362024-06-05 19:36:05

Dear Students, debido a la toma en Juan Gómez Millas y de acuerdo con las indicaciones de la Dirección de Pregrado de la Facultad,  las clases de Inglés continuarán de manera remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual de U-Cursos (Zoom) en los mismos bloques y horarios. 
Ante esta situación, en los cursos de inglés continuamos con las mismas medidas que ya conocen:
  • Las clases de Inglés continúan de manera remota sincrónica.
  • Las evaluaciones serán reprogramadas y se tomarán cuando termine el paro/ toma, pero se avanzará en las clases, unidades y actividades programadas en el syllabus de cada nivel, pues las clases no se recuperarán. 
  • El material correspondiente a la clase será publicado en Material Docente de U-Cursos y  sus indicaciones para trabajar ese material en Novedades. De no asistir a clases remotas por adherir al paro, deben trabajar de manera autónoma el material con sus indicaciones y avanzar en el programa.
  • La asistencia se registrará en U-Cursos y las inasistencias quedan "justificadas".

Saludos Cordiales

Contents Week 6 - 10 6

Claudia Marquez 28 MayMay 28 at 14:462024-05-28 14:46:28

Week 6

(Class 6.1)


- Objective: Talking about health problems

- Vocabulary: health, illnesses, parts of the body

- Grammar: present perfect

(Class 6.2)

- Objective: Giving advice to solve a problem

- Grammar: Modal Verbs (should, could, must)

-Vocabulary: Holidays activities

- Reading two emails ‘Holidays in Dorset’

- Skill: Writing -Answer back the email with an advice or suggestion to Jenny


Week 7

(Class 7.1)

Semana de pausa transversal U. de Chile

(Class 7.2)

Semana de pausa transversal U. de Chile


Week 8

(Class 8.1)


- Objective: Describing different dishes: It’s a kind of…

- Vocabulary: food.

- Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns

-Skill: Listening ‘Food Memories’

- Oral practice: food vocabulary

(Class 8.2)

- Objective: Talking about food preferences

- Vocabulary: food and Linking words

- Grammar: Prepositions (in - at)

- Writing practice ‘My favorite Meal’


Week 9

(Class 9.1)

- Objective: Ordering in a restaurant: I’ll have fish, please.

- Vocabulary: food and restaurants.

- Skill: Speaking Create a dialogue ‘Ordering in a restaurant’

(Class 9.2)

CA Task 2: Mini Report

- Objective: Students create a short questionnaire or survey and collect information from all their classmates. After analizing the data they have collected, each student elaborates a mini report, drawing conclusions based on the data and giving their personal opinion about it.


Week 10

(Class 10.1)

- General feedback on CA Task 2.

- Preparation for Oral Presentations: instructions and requirements.

- Basic tips for academic oral presentations.

- Grammar: Use of quantifiers: some vs any

- Skill: Reading ‘An opinion essay about fast food’

- Discussion: Is fast food popular in your country? Do you think it causes health problems or any other kinds of problems?

(Class 10.2)


-Objective: Plan cancellations

- Apologizing for missing things

- Grammar: can’t / couldn’t / had to / have to

- Vocabulary: (excuses, apologies) How can you apologise in English?

- Skill: Write an email apologising (choose 1 situation)

Contents Week 1 - 5 5

Claudia Marquez 27 MayMay 27 at 17:442024-05-27 17:44:27

Week 1

(Class 1.1)

- Course Introduction

- Expected learning outcomes, syllabus and calendar, attendance policy, assessment, U-Cursos, etc.

- Vocabulary: classroom

(Class 1.2)

- Review: verb to be, present and past tenses

- Grammar: question words (what, when, where, how old, who, why, how)

- Review Activities


Week 2

(Class 2.1)


- Objective: Giving, accepting and declining invitations

- Vocabulary: Use of ‘Let’s and practice: How to tell the time

-Grammar: Questions with Past Simple

Skill: Speaking ‘Arrange to meet’

(Class 2.2)

- Objective: Asking and answering questions in simple past using regular verbs

- Grammar: When was the last time you went to the movies?

- Pronunciation practice “-ed” endings in regular verbs

- Vocabulary: Time/ It takes… (daily routine activities)


Week 3

(Class 3.1)

- Objective: Asking and answering questions in simple past

- Grammar: Simple Past Pronunciation practice “-ed” endings in Regular Verbs

- Vocabulary: Time expressions in the past (ago, last week, etc.)

- Skill: Listening ‘What time?’ (4 conversations about time)

(Class 3.2)

-Objective: Giving, accepting and declining invitations

- Grammar: Simple Past (Irregular verbs) / Prepositions (in – on – at)

- Skill: Writing ‘An invitation to a party’


Week 4

(Class 4.1)

- Objective: Making plans for next weekend

- Grammar: Future Tense I will probably vs I’m going to

- Vocabulary: weekend activities / Excuses for being late: I overslept , etc.

(Class 4.2)

- Speaking: What are you doing this weekend?

- Vocabulary: Expressions to show uncertainty

- CA Task 1: Email 1


Week 5

(Class 5.1)

- Vocabulary: weekend activities

- Skill: Writing ‘Going Out: What’s on’

- Discussion: What do you like to do when you go out?

- General feedback on CA Task 1

(Class 5.2)

- Reading comprehension: ‘The Meeting’

- Vocabulary review and practice: weekend activities.

- Oral and written practice: future plans and arrangements (will vs going to)

April 12 - Email 1 9

Claudia Marquez 9 AprApril 9 at 16:462024-04-09 16:46:09

Dear Students, remember CA Task 1: Email 1 this Friday (April 12) 
Kind Regards

Welcome to English II Class 11

Claudia Marquez 18 MarMarch 18 at 12:452024-03-18 12:45:18

Dear students:

It is a pleasure to greet you. I'm Claudia Márquez and through this message, I would like to remind you that classes begin this week. In this context, I want to wish you a lot of success and tell you that if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me back.

Best Regards