Lista Taller.png 13 Dec 202413/12/24 at 16:502024-12-13 16:50:13
Daniela Sauma M.
Seminarios 13 Dec 202413/12/24 at 16:382024-12-13 16:38:13
María Rosa Bono
Se agregó a Fabiola Osorio O. como Ayudante 13 Dec 202413/12/24 at 13:122024-12-13 13:12:13
Daniela Sauma M.
Nota Final 12 Dec 202412/12/24 at 20:282024-12-12 20:28:12
María Rosa Bono
Prueba 2 4 Dec 202404/12/24 at 23:162024-12-04 23:16:04
María Rosa Bono
Encuesta de Evaluación del Desempeño Docente 3 Dec 202403/12/24 at 14:012024-12-03 14:01:03
Grupos Seminario Inmuno.xlsx 20 Nov 202420/11/24 at 13:302024-11-20 13:30:20
Daniela Sauma M.
Programa Innovado BC810 (8).pdf 20 Nov 202420/11/24 at 13:242024-11-20 13:24:20
María Rosa Bono
23. Trasplante.pdf 8 Nov 202408/11/24 at 09:372024-11-08 09:37:08
María Rosa Bono
21. Respuesta antitumoral.pdf 5 Nov 202405/11/24 at 21:172024-11-05 21:17:05
Daniela Sauma M.
22. Inmunodeficiencias.pdf 5 Nov 202405/11/24 at 12:162024-11-05 12:16:05
María Rosa Bono
Control 2 1 Nov 202401/11/24 at 13:062024-11-01 13:06:01
María Rosa Bono
Grupo 11. Commensal Bifidobacterium promotes antitumor immunity and facilitates anti–PD-L1 efficacy.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:432024-10-25 16:43:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 10. Metabolic Competition in the Tumor Microenvironment Is a Driver of Cancer Progression.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:432024-10-25 16:43:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 9. CD4+ T cell-induced inflammatory cell death controls immune-evasive tumors.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:422024-10-25 16:42:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 8. Trm maintenance is regulated by tissue damage via P2RX7.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:422024-10-25 16:42:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 7. Non classical immunity controls microbiota impact on skin immunity.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:412024-10-25 16:41:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 6. Commensal microbes and hair follicle morphogenesis coordinately drive Treg migration into neonatal skin copia.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:402024-10-25 16:40:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 5. Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune mediated protection.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:402024-10-25 16:40:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 4. Dietary Fiber and Bacterial SCFA Enhance Oral Tolerance and Protect against Food Allergy through Diverse Cellular Pathways.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:352024-10-25 16:35:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 3. Microbial bile acid metabolites modulate gut RORγ+ regulatory T cell homeostasis.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:342024-10-25 16:34:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 2. Gut microbiota and tryptophan catabolism contribute to SLE.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:332024-10-25 16:33:25
Daniela Sauma M.
Grupo 1. High Glucose Intake Exacerbates Autoimmunity through Reactive-Oxygen-Species-Mediated TGF-b Cytokine Activation.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 16:322024-10-25 16:32:25
Daniela Sauma M.
20. Hipersensibilidad.pdf 25 Oct 202425/10/24 at 11:182024-10-25 11:18:25
María Rosa Bono
19 Tecnicas Inmunologicas IV modelos animales.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 at 16:532024-10-24 16:53:24
María Rosa Bono