English Pre-Intermediate (A2+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next Mon

René Larenas M. 30 Jun 202130/06/21 a las 16:40 hrs.2021-06-30 16:40:30

Dear Students,

Our lesson for today (June 30th) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 16' can be found in the ‘Material Docente’ section.  

(2) The link for our lesson recording can be found in the ‘Clase Virtual’ section. You just click on the play icon to watch it

For our next lesson (July 5th)  

(1) We will be working on our second synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(2) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains Eng. Subtitles), "North Korean University"


(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions

(2.1.1) Can you quantify and explain the differences between these university experiences for students with yours in Chile?

(2.2.2) With the information provided by the video comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

(3) Some important information,

(3.1) Blog 8 is already uploaded. It is meant to be handed in next July 2nd

(3.2) Final Written Exam will be held next July 26th and 27th

(3.3) Webquest 2 is already uploaded. It is meant to be handed in next July 26th

(3.4) Final Oral Exam will be held next July 26th and 28th
(3.4.1) Our Final Oral practice will take place next July 12th

(3.5) Our third recess week is scheduled to happen next July 19th

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards
Categoría Information for next lesson
Última Modificación 30 Jun 202130/06/21 a las 16:40 hrs.2021-06-30 16:40:30
Vistas Únicas 19