English Pre-Intermediate (A2+) Some Recommendations for the rest of the semester

René Larenas M. 7 Jul 202107/07/21 a las 16:35 hrs.2021-07-07 16:35:07

Dear Students, 

(3) Some important information,

(3.1) Final Written Exam will be held next July 26th and 27th

(3.2) Webquest 2 is already uploaded. It is meant to be handed in next July 26th

(3.4) Final Oral Exam will be held next July 26th and 28th
(3.4.1) Our Final Oral practice will take place next July 12th

(3.5) Our third recess week is scheduled to happen next July 19th

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards
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Última Modificación 9 Jul 202109/07/21 a las 12:07 hrs.2021-07-09 12:07:09
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