
(S.3) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for this next le 6

René Larenas M. 4 Abr 202204/04/22 a las 19:45 hrs.2022-04-04 19:45:04
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (April 4th.) 

(1) The audiovisual file for our lesson is already saved in the 'Clase Virtual Section'
(1.1) Here we have already explained some administrative details concerning our 1st semester

(2) The PPT file for our Administrative lesson has been uploaded in the 'Material Docente' section

For our next lesson (April 6th.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles),  'How to get ready for university', 

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) In what way is this video presenting anything different or similar from your student life concerning people dealing with University as a future challenge? How did you deal with University when you were first-year students?

(2.1.2) With the information provided by the video, comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.3) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Today's lesson [April 4th.] will be taught online (F 7

René Larenas M. 4 Abr 202204/04/22 a las 15:05 hrs.2022-04-04 15:05:04
Information for next lesson

Dear Students,

As we already know, and at the Faculty's request, we will be having our lesson [5:30 pm] in an online format. Please do not worry, we will be doing our very first lesson, which will deal with Administrative issues

So, as you know an online [synchronous] lesson means that:

(1) 15 minutes before the synchronous (online) lesson starts, please log to ‘u-cursos’ ('Clase Virtual' section) and connect to the lesson from there

(2) Once the lesson is finished, I will be sending you 2 items,

(2.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and

(2.2) The lesson will be recorded for you to have an archive to look at. This video link will be attached to the 'Clase Virtual' section, in other words, the lesson audio-visual archive will be saved on ‘u-cursos’

Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back.

Best Regards

(S.3) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for this next le 7

René Larenas M. 4 Abr 202204/04/22 a las 07:05 hrs.2022-04-04 07:05:04
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

My name is René Larenas Moyano, and I will be this semester’s English 3 teacher. I would like to tell you that you are very welcome to this course that will (hopefully) begin next Monday, April 4th, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., Room 8. This implies the following,

(1) We will be having #2 lessons each week (Mon-Wed) (5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.)

(2) For next Monday (April 4th) the very first lesson will be about administrative issues, while the second (April 6th) onwards, will be focused on developing productive linguistic abilities (i.e. Speaking and Writing)

(2.1) From the second lesson onwards, all lessons, actually, will be focused on developing productive linguistic abilities, while some of the evaluations will be done at home, while others will be done in class.

(3) I beg you to please come to come single lesson you can and try to be on time as much as you can

(4) Once the lesson is finished, I will be uploading 2 items to this platform, 

(4.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and 
(4.2) A 'Novedades' notification for you to have a more accurate description of what we will be doing in the next lesson

(5) Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back. 

Best Regards

Welcome to English 3 Class 8

Gustavo Adolfo Castro 3 Abr 202203/04/22 a las 14:01 hrs.2022-04-03 14:01:03
Academic information

Dear students:

It is a pleasure to greet you. I´m Professor Gustavo Castro, Faculty's English Program Coordinator.

First of all, it is important to highligth that the inscription of this course is PRIORITY for students who are studying their thrid semester of career. For this reason those who do not comply with this requirement, will should modify their inscription throw UCAMPUS:

Through this message, I would like to remind you that classes begin this week. In this context, we want to wish you a lot of success and tell you that if you have any questions or queries, you should contact your teachers of each section directly.

We remind you that the English Program will have 1 week of academic break (16 - 20/05/2022)

We remind you this important date, this way you can properly schedule your academic activities.

If you have any questions, queries or difficulties, you can write to us at:

Receive a warm greeting and wish you all of you a very successful academic semester.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards