(S.8) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Do not forget, Fridays lessons are online [Further i 14

René Larenas M. 7 Abr 202207/04/22 a las 19:55 hrs.2022-04-07 19:55:07
General Information

Dear Students,

As we already know, and at the Faculty's request, we will be having our lesson [5:30 pm] in an online format.

So, as you know an online [synchronous] lesson means that:

(1) 15 minutes before the synchronous (online) lesson starts, please log to ‘u-cursos’ ('Clase Virtual' section) and connect to the lesson from there

(2) Once the lesson is finished, I will be sending you 2 items,

(2.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and

(2.2) The lesson will be recorded for you to have an archive to look at. This video link will be attached to the 'Clase Virtual' section, in other words, the lesson audio-visual archive will be saved on ‘u-cursos’

Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back.

Best Regards

(S.8) Today'e lesson [April 7th] - Room 7 - 2nd floor 14

René Larenas M. 7 Abr 202207/04/22 a las 15:47 hrs.2022-04-07 15:47:07
General Information

Dear Students,

We're located in room 7
