(S.8) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for this next le

René Larenas M. 27 May 202227/05/22 a las 19:00 hrs.2022-05-27 19:00:27

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (May 26th.) 

(1) The PPT file for our 'Lesson 10' has been already uploaded to u-cursos
(1.1) The audiovisual material for our lesson has already been uploaded to the 'Clase Virtual' section

(2) We have already worked on our fourth blog entry. If you want to take a look at it, please visit the following link:  english-3-fcqf-s8.blogspot.com/ ... e-of-two-topics.html 

(3) Our Oral presentation date has changed to the following days: June 23rd., 24th.
(3.1) In case these new dates interfere with your second recess week, we will change it

(4) Three documents in the 'Material Docente' section have been uploaded, those belong to our 'Final Oral Test'.
(4.1) Please take a look at the 12 topics in the document '(S.8)_English_3_FCQF_Final_Oral_Exam_Questions.docx'
(4.1.1) It is important that you begin to consider preparing these for this next test. From next week until the end of the semester, we will cover as many topics in class as we can. We will follow an in-class preparation plan that will consist of

(a) Proposing a topic for this lesson
(b) Giving you 5 min. to prepare a short conversation, and
(c) Applying the rubric and complete feedback for your oral performance.


For our next lesson (June 2nd.)

(1) We will be working on our synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates)

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles), 'Studying Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Db8h_vaTsY

(1.2) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions

(1.2.1) Please describe the scientific work Stephen Platt (an MSc student) is doing (00:50). Use simple words.  

(1.2.2) With the information provided by the video comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

Categoría Information for next lesson
Última Modificación 27 May 202227/05/22 a las 19:00 hrs.2022-05-27 19:00:27
Vistas Únicas 7