[Extra Information] Oral Presentation list

René Larenas M. 28 Abr 202328/04/23 a las 14:25 hrs.2023-04-28 14:25:28

Dear Students,

As we agreed in our last lesson, we have our oral presentation order per student done. This means that 8 people will present next Tuesday, May 9th; while the rest of the students will present next Thursday, May 11th. The list was randomly generated so as to make sure this process was done as fair as possible.

The list, as follows,

Tuesday (May 9th)

  1. Alcán Cortes
  2. Matías Contreras
  3. Catalina Roblero
  4. Daniela Olivares
  5. Máximo Venegas
  6. Patricio Barrientos
  7. Magdalena Zelada
  8. Luciano Andrews


Thursday (May 11th)  

  1. Lusitania Valdés
  2. Javiera Madrid
  3. Javiera Abarca
  4. Sakin Povea
  5. Alexander Rojas
  6. Raquel Salazar
  7. Fernando Carreño
  8. Sebastián Huerta
Categoría Special Announcement
Última Modificación 28 Abr 202328/04/23 a las 14:26 hrs.2023-04-28 14:26:28
Vistas Únicas 11