Class description 20

Debora Vilches V. 27 May27 de Mayo a las 18:06 hrs.2024-05-27 18:06:27

Classes 1 and 2 (March 20th)

Objectives: Getting to know each other.
1- Presentation of the course.
2- Reading of the program and academic calendar.
3- Introductions and oral interaction activity. 
4- Identification of previous knowledge.

Objective:  Use the verb to be to describe people, places and things.
1- Complete the ‘Verb to be practice’ worksheet

Classes 3 and 4 (March 27th)

Objectives: Talk about your own and other`s routines using Present simple
1- Read the explanation on how to use present simple and then complete the activities:,things%20which%20are%20generally%20true.
2- a-day-in-the-life-of-a-football-player
3- does-he-she
4- just-a-normal-day
5- question-time

Classes 5 and 6 (April 3rd)
Objectives: Tell others where you were at different times.
1- numbers-in-english’
2- Telling_the_Time_Worksheet
3- time-pelmanism-game
4- Telling the time game: ... ime/clock-quiz-1.htm
5- Complete the ‘Where_were_you’ worksheet

Objectives: Talk about the past using the ‘simple past’ tense.
6- Simple past regular verbs: ... simple-regular-verbs
7- Simple past irregular verbs: ... mple-irregular-verbs

Classes 7 and 8 (April 10)
Objectives: Make plans and predictions using ‘will’ and ‘going to’.
1- Are_you_going_to
2- Be_going_to__for_plans
3- Be_going_to__for_predictions
4- I_think_you_will
5- Offers_promises_and_decisions_worksheet

Classes 9 and 10 (April 17th)

Classes 11 and 12 (April 24th)
Objectives: Use ‘should’ to ask for and give pieces of advice
1- Advice for aches and pains
2- Advice needed

Classes 13 and 14 (May 8th)
Objectives: Talk about life experiences using present perfect tense
1- Deception_-_Present_perfect_-_ever_and_never
2- How_long_have_you..._
3- Life_Experiences
4- for-and-since-practice

Classes 15 and 16 (May 22nd)
Objective: Talk about food and eating habits. 
Complete activities:
1- My shopping list
2- Containers and amounts
3- Eating habits

Classes 17 and 18 (May 29th)
Objective: Describe what is there in you fridge
1- Read the 'there is and there are' worksheet
2- Practice there is and there are:
3- Practice asking questions using there is and there are:
Answer the following questions: A. What is there in your fridge? B. Is there anything you like? C. Is there anything you dislike to eat?

4- Read the 'can and could' worksheet
5- Practice using can and could:
Answer the following questions:
A. Did you attend all of your classes last week? Why not? (Use could or couldn´t to explain)
B. Did you

Classes 19 and 20 (June 5th)
Objective: Describe places in the present and in the past using what is or was in there.
1- Access the following link and read the 'There is and there are' explanation:
2- Answer the questions from the 'There is there are questions' worksheet.
3- Complete the 'There is there are - quiz' to practice describing places using 'there is, there are, there was and there were'

*For extra practice, check out the UNAM webpage: ... ng2_u1_t2/index.html

Objective: Mention what you could or couldn't do as a child but can or can't do now.
1- Check out the following video to learn how to use 'can' and 'could': ... /uso-de-can-y-could/
Complete the exercises on: ... /can-could-write.htm

Classes 21 and 22 (June 12)
Objective: compare two or more people, places and things using comparatives and superlatives.
1- Access the following link and learn how to use comparatives and superlatives:
2- Complete the activity to practice descriptions, comparatives and superlatives:
3- For extra practice complete some extra exercises:
4- Extra homework: In about 50 words describe your best or worst trip and email it to your teacher.

Classes 23 and 24 (June 19)
Objective: Describe people's appearance using adjectives.
1- Access the following link and learn how to use certain adjectives and words to describe people’s physical appearance.

Classes 25 and 26 (June 26th)
Objective: Describe people's appearance using adjectives - Review.
1- Complete the following activity:

Classes 27 and 28 (July 3rd)
Objective: Practice for the final exam.
Activities: Complete the following activities.

Here is a link to a webpage where you can practice for the listening and writing sections of the test (A1 level exercises).