
Week 16 (Tuesday July 2nd) 14

Debora Vilches V. 3 JulJuly 3 at 13:172024-07-03 13:17:03
Class Summaries

Week 16 (Tuesday - July 2nd)
Objective: Practice for the final exam.

To practice for the listening section access and complete some of the activities you may fnd there.

Importante: Confirmación de Clases Presenciales y Actualización de Evaluaciones 18

Jordan Masias O. 30 JunJune 30 at 10:412024-06-30 10:41:30
Important Information

Queridas y queridos estudiantes,

Espero que estén bien. Les pido disculpas por la hora de este mensaje un domingo, pero es urgente confirmar que todxs estén informados de que las clases presenciales se retomarán en todos los cursos desde el próximo lunes, 1 de julio. Además, me gustaría adelantar información que se entregará el martes en clase y contarles que hay novedades en las evaluaciones.

Afortunadamente, como teníamos 2 evaluaciones ya desarrolladas, se ha acordado una redistribución de las ponderaciones de las evaluaciones de la siguiente manera:

1. Writing Quiz 1:     15%
2. Video Talk:           15%
3. Final Oral Test:     30%
4. Final Written Test: 40%  

Este esquema de redistribución de ponderaciones se ha acordado entre las entidades y estamentos correspondientes, tomando como criterio, por un lado, el aumento de la ponderación tanto de las evaluaciones ya realizadas como de los exámenes finales por realizar, y por otro lado, el equilibrio en la evaluación de las cuatro habilidades.

Las otras evaluaciones que no pudieron desarrollarse producto de la contingencia no se llevarán a cabo y sus porcentajes se han redistribuido en los porcentajes presentados más arriba. Nos concentraremos exclusivamente en desarrollar el logro de las competencias de nivel que serán evaluadas en las pruebas finales. La fecha de las pruebas finales es el martes, 9 de julio.

Cualquier duda, por favor pónganse en contacto a la brevedad.

¡Nos vemos el martes!

Saludos cordiales,

Prof. Masías

Update: Classes this week will be held online 11

Jordan Masias O. 25 JunJune 25 at 01:472024-06-25 01:47:25
Important Information

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to warmly invite you to our class tomorrow. As we're approaching the end of the semester, it's crucial to attend our sessions, especially considering that the English Program is actively working on proposing semester closure alternatives, particularly in terms of evaluations.

Please note that the campus Juan Gómez Millas occupation continues for now, which means our English classes will remain remote this week under the same conditions you're familiar with. If there are any updates or changes in the situation, I'll make sure to keep you informed promptly, so please stay tuned.

Looking forward to seeing you all in class!

Best regards,

Prof. Masías O.

Recap of Online Class on 18-06: 7

Jordan Masias O. 18 JunJune 18 at 20:302024-06-18 20:30:18
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

I wanted to provide a summary of our online class held on 18-06, detailing the activities, objectives, and content we covered. This class was designed to synthesize the material from our six units of the semester, focusing on the theme of folklore and legends. Remember that all the materials are available for you in U-Cursos.

Class Objectives
Develop listening, reading, and speaking skills at a B1 level.

- Engage with various myths and legends from British and American folklore.

- Discuss and share Chilean myths and legends.

Activities and Content Covered.

1- Introduction and Review of Prior Knowledge  

- Activity: We began by looking at photos of well-known British myths and legends.  

- Objective: This activity aimed to activate your prior knowledge and spark interest in the topic (check PPT on U-Cursos. Concerning the concepts of Myths and Legends, this website was used for clarifications: )

2- Listening Comprehension: Legend of Robin Hood  

- Activity: We listened to an audio recording of the legend of Robin Hood.  
- Objective: You practiced listening comprehension and extracted key details from the story.
Check this website and video:

3- Listening Comprehension: American Urban Legend  
- Activity: We then listened to a more complex audio about an urban legend from the USA. 
- Objective: This task was designed to enhance your listening skills with more challenging material.
Go to this website for the video and the listening comprehension exercise in the PPT we used in the class (check U-Cursos):

4- Reading Comprehension: Fairies in British Folklore  
- Activity: We read a text about fairies in British folklore.  
- Objective: This activity focused on developing your reading comprehension and expanding your vocabulary related to myths and legends.
Go to this website for the video and reading comprehension exercise:

5- Group Discussion: Chilean Myths and Legends  
- Activity: We concluded with a group discussion where you shared some of the most frightening Chilean myths and legends you know.  
- Objective: This was an opportunity to practice speaking and sharing personal knowledge in English.

This class was an integration of all the semester's content into a cohesive theme of folklore. We explored myths and legends from different cultures, providing a comprehensive review and practical application of the grammar, vocabulary, and language skills developed throughout the semester.

* Homework
Please note that a homework has been assigned in the "Tareas" section of the platform. The exercises provided will serve as preparation for the SUFI written tests. These exercises are calibrated to your level, and it is important that you complete all sections. Please upload a screenshot of your results of each homework activity (specifically the feedback section provided by the web pages) in a Word document to keep a record of your progress.

Thank you for your active participation and enthusiasm. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the activities, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Prof. Jordán Masías O. 

Update: Classes next week will be held online 13

Jordan Masias O. 14 JunJune 14 at 17:452024-06-14 17:45:14
Important Information

Dear all, 

I hope all is fine, 
This is to share the following information received:

' Como ya sabrán, el campus Juan Gómez Millas sigue en toma. Ante esta situación, y de acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Dirección de Pregrado de la FACULTAD, se ha acordado realizar las clases en modalidad remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual (Zoom) de U-Cursos.
Estaremos evaluando la situación y les escribiré nuevamente.

Con respecto a asistencia y evaluaciones, por ahora, seguimos con las mismas medidas que ya veníamos aplicando. 
  • Las clases deben realizarse en modalidad remota sincrónica a través de Clase Virtual de U-Cursos. Se debe avanzar en los contenidos y actividades programadas en el syllabus de cada nivel, pues el calendario del semestre de inglés no se extenderá.
  • Si no se conectan estudiantes en la hora de inicio, esperen unos 15-20 minutos y suban a Material Docente el material correspondiente a la clase y el material extra que consideren necesario, junto con publicar en Novedades sus indicaciones para trabajarlo.
  • Por ahora, seguimos sin tomar evaluaciones. Se reprogramarán cuando finalice el paro. 
  • La asistencia a clases debe registrarse en U-Cursos pero las inasistencias quedan "justificadas" y no afectan por tanto al porcentaje mínimo requerido para la aprobación en los cursos de inglés.

Look forward should you have any questions. 

Have a lovely day. 

Prof. Jordán Masías

Recap Online Lesson 11-06 9

Jordan Masias O. 11 JunJune 11 at 17:432024-06-11 17:43:11
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. In our recent online sessions, we delved into the theme of "Society." We began with an exploration of societal changes through a video, followed by a discussion to ensure comprehension.

We then enriched our vocabulary regarding generational differences and practiced reading comprehension with a text on digital habits across different generations, concluding with a stimulating group vocabulary activity.

In our subsequent session, we focused on essay writing. We started by learning the structure of a five-paragraph essay and analyzed a sample essay to understand its components.

We discussed key writing tips and engaged in writing practice, where you began drafting your own essays. We also practiced creating essay layouts and writing essay introductory paragraphs, refining our writing skills for clarity and coherence.

Thank you for your active participation, and keep up the great work! 

Best regards,

Prof. Masías 

Today's Class (11-06) will be held online via Zoom. 8

Jordan Masias O. 11 JunJune 11 at 12:192024-06-11 12:19:11
Important Information

Dear all, 

I hope all is fine, 
This is to share the following information received:

' Como ya sabrán, el campus Juan Gómez Millas amaneció tomado el lunes pasado. Ante esta situación, y de acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Dirección de Pregrado de la FACULTAD, se ha acordado realizar las clases en modalidad remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual (Zoom) de U-Cursos.
Estaremos evaluando la situación y les escribiré nuevamente.

Con respecto a asistencia y evaluaciones, por ahora, seguimos con las mismas medidas que ya veníamos aplicando. 
  • Las clases deben realizarse en modalidad remota sincrónica a través de Clase Virtual de U-Cursos. Se debe avanzar en los contenidos y actividades programadas en el syllabus de cada nivel, pues el calendario del semestre de inglés no se extenderá.
  • Si no se conectan estudiantes en la hora de inicio, esperen unos 15-20 minutos y suban a Material Docente el material correspondiente a la clase y el material extra que consideren necesario, junto con publicar en Novedades sus indicaciones para trabajarlo.
  • Por ahora, seguimos sin tomar evaluaciones. Se reprogramarán cuando finalice el paro. 
  • La asistencia a clases debe registrarse en U-Cursos pero las inasistencias quedan "justificadas" y no afectan por tanto al porcentaje mínimo requerido para la aprobación en los cursos de inglés.

Look forward should you have any questions. 

Have a lovely day. 

Prof. Jordán Masías

Recap of Our Last Session on Tuesday, June 4th 7

Jordan Masias O. 5 JunJune 5 at 20:082024-06-05 20:08:05
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

In our last session on Tuesday, June 4th, we began with a guided group conversation on topics related to the ongoing strike. The central question for our discussion was, "If you had a foreign friend whose native language is English and who doesn't know any Spanish, and they asked you for details about what is happening at the university and the campus, what would you tell them?" Through this activity, we were able to learn vocabulary related to civic contingencies while practicing B1-level oral competence, which is one of the objectives of our English program.

Following this, we revisited financial vocabulary with an interactive group activity. Through various exercises, we stimulated the learning of vocabulary, structures, and idiomatic phrases commonly used to talk about money matters. We covered everything from discussing places like the bank to actions like withdrawing money from an ATM and different types of currency.

To conclude the class, we engaged in a listening comprehension activity titled "Going Cashless," where we explored the challenges of converting our transactions exclusively to digital operations.

Please continue to review the material, and I look forward to seeing you in our next class.

Warm regards,

Prof. Masías O.

Summary class 28-05 7

Jordan Masias O. 5 JunJune 5 at 18:482024-06-05 18:48:05
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

In our last session on Tuesday, 28-05, we started by reviewing the feedback from your Video Talks and addressing any questions that arose. Afterward, we allocated class time to finalize the details of the homework pending review, followed by its correction.

We then used pictionaries to review specific vocabulary related to everyday financial matters. As an integrative writing and speaking exercise, you were given a series of images to construct the story they illustrated. After a few minutes, we reviewed your responses and discussed the brief story behind those images.

In the second session, we focused on strategies for constructing monological responses, both written and spoken, which will be useful for the upcoming speaking test. We developed speaking exercises and concluded by reviewing the details of an online activity related to specific vocabulary for B1-level finance.

Best regards,

Prof. Masías O, 

Update about our class this week 16

Jordan Masias O. 3 JunJune 3 at 21:192024-06-03 21:19:03
Important Information

Dear all, 

I hope all is fine, 
This is to share the following information received this evening:

' Como ya sabrán, el campus Juan Gómez Millas amaneció tomado hoy lunes. Ante esta situación, y de acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Dirección de Pregrado de la FACULTAD... mañana martes 4 de junio se ha acordado realizar las clases en modalidad remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual (Zoom) de U-Cursos. Si la toma se extiende más días, mantendremos esta modalidad remota. Mañana martes evaluaremos la situación...y les escribiré nuevamente.   Con respecto a asistencia y evaluaciones, por ahora, seguimos con las mismas medidas que ya veníamos aplicando. (I.e. Las evaluaciones se posponen)

Look forward should you have any questions. 

Have a lovely day. 

Prof. Jordán Masías