Seminario 10hToday at 09:322024-11-21 09:32:21
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Se ha publicado un nuevo test (Prueba 2) 20 NovYesterday at 12:082024-11-20 12:08:20
Francisca Concha C.
Comporamiento_cooperativo_en_humanos.pdf 18 NovMonday 18, November at 14:592024-11-18 14:59:18
Francisca Concha C.
Seleccion_sexual_.pdf 18 NovMonday 18, November at 14:592024-11-18 14:59:18
Francisca Concha C.
Artículo 11. Detection of Various Microplastics in Human Stool.pdf 14 NovNovember 14 at 11:442024-11-14 11:44:14
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Artículo 10. The role of altruistic costs in human mate choice.pdf 14 NovNovember 14 at 11:432024-11-14 11:43:14
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Presentación Moncada 14 NovNovember 14 at 09:242024-11-14 09:24:14
Valentina Moncada
Presentación Jeraldo 14 NovNovember 14 at 08:562024-11-14 08:56:14
Daniel Jeraldo Aguirre
Ecología de Poblaciones 12 NovNovember 12 at 00:092024-11-12 00:09:12
Francisca Concha C.
Artículo 9. Evidence for the Cost of Reproduction in Humans: High Lifetime Reproductive Effort Is As 7 NovNovember 7 at 00:042024-11-07 00:04:07
Francisca Concha C.
Ecología de Poblaciones 5 NovNovember 5 at 13:092024-11-05 13:09:05
Francisca Concha C.
Articulo 8. Do humans agree on which body odors are attractive, similar to the agreement observed when rating faces and voices.pdf 30 OctOctober 30 at 12:082024-10-30 12:08:30
Francisca Concha C.
Articulo 7. Attractive Caregiving Women’s Preference for Men that Care.pdf 30 OctOctober 30 at 12:082024-10-30 12:08:30
Francisca Concha C.
Articulo 7. Attractive Caregiving Women’s Preference for Men that Care.pdf 30 OctOctober 30 at 12:082024-10-30 12:08:30
Francisca Concha C.
Orden de presentación 24 OctOctober 24 at 09:012024-10-24 09:01:24
Francisca Concha C.
Prueba 1 23 OctOctober 23 at 19:192024-10-23 19:19:23
Francisca Concha C.
Artículo 6. Current ecology, not ancestral dispersal patterns, influences menopause symptom severit 16 OctOctober 16 at 10:192024-10-16 10:19:16
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Acaba de empezar una clase virtual (Jueves 10 de Octubre) 10 OctOctober 10 at 08:502024-10-10 08:50:10
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Artículo 5. Insulin resistance in Chileans of European and indigenous descent evidence for an ethnicity x environment interaction.pdf 2 OctOctober 2 at 10:152024-10-02 10:15:02
Francisca Concha C.
Articulo 4. Adaptation to milking agropastoralism in Chilean goat herders and nutritional.pdf 24 SepSeptember 24 at 09:282024-09-24 09:28:24
Darlyn Sanhueza D.
Articulo 2. Self-regulation and the foraging gene (PRKG1) in humans.pdf 23 SepSeptember 23 at 10:222024-09-23 10:22:23
Francisca Concha C.
Articulo 1. Defining the ‘generalist specialist’ niche for Pleistocene Homo sapiens. roberts2018.pdf 23 SepSeptember 23 at 10:222024-09-23 10:22:23
Francisca Concha C.
Retroalimentación a la Docencia (Intermedia) 23 SepSeptember 23 at 00:012024-09-23 00:01:23
Articulo 3. A genomic region associated with protection against severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neandertals.pdf 21 SepSeptember 21 at 15:472024-09-21 15:47:21
Francisca Concha C.
Clase 5. Adaptaciones II.pdf 10 SepSeptember 10 at 08:442024-09-10 08:44:10
Francisca Concha C.