Week 5 - Contents

Claudia Marquez 23 Sep23 de Septiembre a las 08:16 hrs.2024-09-23 08:16:23

Week 5 
(Class 5.1)
- Objective: Identify Tips on  How to prepare por a test
- Listening 'Taking notes'
- Speaking How do you prepare for an exam?
- Writing; using connecting words (non- defining relative clauses: who, which, where)
- Listening Quiz 1 
(Class 5.2)
- Discussing exam results 
- Contrasting ideas (although, despite and others)
- Giving advices for disappointing exam results
Última Modificación 23 Sep23 de Septiembre a las 08:16 hrs.2024-09-23 08:16:23
Vistas Únicas 11