Week 7 - Contents

Claudia Marquez 26 Sep26 de Septiembre a las 09:57 hrs.2024-09-26 09:57:26

Week 7
(Class 7.1) Unit 4 'Important Days and Dates 
- Objective: Identify and talking about important days, dates and events.
- Grammar: prepositions in - on - at
- Oral Presentation instructions and requirements.
(Clas 7.2) 
- Paragraph writing: topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding ideas.
- Grammar: Present perfect Simple and Continuous
- Skill: Listening
- Vocabulary
Última Modificación 26 Sep26 de Septiembre a las 18:36 hrs.2024-09-26 18:36:26
Vistas Únicas 8