
Pamela Lara M. 7 Nov 202407/11/24 a las 19:05 hrs.2024-11-07 19:05:07

Wiki instructions:
- In groups, create a wiki related to a topic chosen from the list provided by the teacher or related to your major, using the website:
- The wiki must include an introduction and conclusion, as well as four articles written by the students after doing the appropriate research (each article must have 200 words minimum)
- The groups are the following:
   - Anthropology: Valeria Sanzana, Valentina Reyes, Lily Sepúlveda, Antonia Martínez
   - Psychology 1: Josefa Cáceres, Joshep Aro, Benjamín Améstica.
   - Psychology 2: Anaís Galia, Diego Radrigán, Emilio Rivera
   - Sociology: Sebastián Llanos, Amaya Barbet, Gaspar Duclos, Agustín Maldonado
   - Multidisciplinary group: Vicente Pérez, Francisca Osorio, Renata Olivares

*You can find more information on wikis in Material Docente*
Categoría Important Information
Última Modificación 7 Nov 202407/11/24 a las 19:05 hrs.2024-11-07 19:05:07
Vistas Únicas 11