Oral presentations due date

Gloria Troncoso 26 May 202126/05/21 a las 17:41 hrs.2021-05-26 17:41:26

Hello everyone! I'm writing to inform you that due to the fact that you have to complete your Blog post 5 by Friday, you'll have more time to send your Oral presntation videos 'till Suday 30th May. This way you can low somehow the homework overload for this week.
So I'll leave a tarea in U-cursos on that day, so that you can send it to me. You can also send it to my email gloria.troncoso@uchile.cl or send me a link to download your video, in case you have it uploaded to your Google Drive/Outlook accounts.
Kind regards,
Última Modificación 26 May 202126/05/21 a las 17:41 hrs.2021-05-26 17:41:26
Vistas Únicas 18