Week 5 14

Janina Maggi 18 Abr18 de Abril a las 17:09 hrs.2024-04-18 17:09:18
Week 5 - Class 1 & 2

Unit 3: Tools of the Trade - Reading comprehension, passive voice.

Oral Presentation Instructions - Choose a topic from your area of study. Prepare your oral presentation and bring it to class for checking.
Writing - coherence and cohesion 
Task: Write a paragraph. Suggested topics:

  • How I prepare for a test
  • My favourite place in the Faculty
  • My first impressions of the campus 
 Make sure to apply all the activities we have seen in class (word order, linking words, coherence and cohesion).

Note: Reminder about Listening Quiz 1 in the first block of classes. Then, Writing Quiz 1 in the second block of classes.