Sep 4 class

Lissa Dominguez T. 4 Sep4 de Septiembre a las 16:52 hrs.2024-09-04 16:52:04

Unit 2

Lesson 1
  •  Ask questions to get more information about a text
• Write sentences using basic connective words
• Talk about past events
• Understand a simplified academic text
• Write a summary of past events

Lesson 2

  • Express intentions and plans
• Write examples to support a sentence
• Understand plans and ideas about tomorrow or the next week
• Understand information about an assignment
• Create a study plan

(Find material in Material Docente)
Última Modificación 4 Sep4 de Septiembre a las 16:59 hrs.2024-09-04 16:59:04
Vistas Únicas 10