Exposiciones Shakespeare, miércoles 13 de julio

Alejandro Palma P. 12 Jul 202212/07/22 a las 15:54 hrs.2022-07-12 15:54:12

Buen día, estudiantes.

Les transmito parte del mensaje que nos hizo llegar la organización de cuarto año acerca de una exposiciones sobre Shakespeare.

Sería bueno que pudieran asistir, tanto para apoyar a sus compañer-s de cuarto año como por la experiencia de participar en instancias como esta, particularmente para quienes quieran seguir la senda literaria de la carrera.

"Les escribimos como parte del comité organizador de la primera conferencia de Shakespeare que será llevada a cabo por 4to año. . . Aquí les dejo el timetable/schedule con los paneles, quienes exponen y a qué hora será cada uno."

First Undergraduate Shakespeare Confernece, 13 July 2022

Panel 1 (10.00–11.00am): Magic and the Supernatural, chaired by Carlos Muñoz
1) ‘Prospero’s Books and Oberon’s Flower: Magic and Knowledge in The Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by Vicente Oyarzún
2) ‘The Role of the Supernatural in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet’ by Diego González
3) ‘Switching Roles: The Mutual Influences of the Human and the Supernatural in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest’ by Valeria Arriaza, Diego Cornejo and Leia Mühle

Panel 2 (11.10am–12.00pm): The Irrational and the Bestial, chaired by José Mora
1) ‘Irrationality in Titus Andronicus and A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by Catalina Pérez
2) ‘Animal Imagery and Human Bestiality in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Macbeth’ by Valentina Hormazábal

Panel 3 (12.10–1.00pm): Revenge and Violence, chaired by Vicente Rosales
1) ‘Violence As a Driving Force in the Plots of Titus Andronicus and Hamlet’ by Nicole Cavieres and Carolina Estay
2) ‘The Inescapable Cycle of Revenge in Shakespearean Tragedy’ by Catalina Ramírez

Lunch Break (1.00–1.30pm)

Panel 4 (1.30–2.20pm): Masculinity and Power, chaired by Agustín Carrasco
1) ‘Toxic Male Behaviour in Titus Andronicus and Hamlet’ by Camila Alegría and Denisse Pérez
2) ‘Female Agency and Masculine Traits in Macbeth and The Merchant of Venice’ by Pamela Araos and Loreto Lazcano

Panel 5 (2.30–3.30pm): Portrayals of Femininity, chaired by Dharma Reyes
1) ‘The Portrayal of Female Characters in Hamlet and Macbeth’ by Carla Sandoval
2) ‘Gender Roles in Shakespeare’s Comedies’ by Gabriela Contreras
3) ‘Patriarchal Theatre in a Woman’s Kingdom: Male Chauvinism in Titus Andronicus and Hamlet’ by Keshna Ahumada, Francisca Pulgar and Paloma Silva

Keynote Speech (3.30–3.45pm)
Última Modificación 12 Jul 202212/07/22 a las 15:54 hrs.2022-07-12 15:54:12
Vistas Únicas 29