Info regarding Practice sessions

Natalia Tranchino M. 24 Nov 202224/11/22 a las 20:16 hrs.2022-11-24 20:16:24

Dear All

I hope all is well with you. This is to let you know that tomorrow and Wednesday (and possibly Friday, if needed) our Practice sessions are devoted to the provision of feedback for your OT. Accordingly, we're not holding regular classes, but we'll be having individual feedback sessions. I've just shared a link via enlaces so that you save yourselves a spot either tomorrow as of 10:15 am or next Wednesday. In case we don't have enough time or you can't make it on any of the two days, we can arrange something via email considering your individual circumstances.

It is paramount to remind you that even though receiving feedback is not compulsory, you are strongly encouraged to get it as it is aimed at benefitting your learning process.

Last but not least, I look forward to seeing you all next Friday, as a way of saying the proper farewells on the verge of ending this academic year. 

Should you have any queries, feel free to contact me.

Stay well

Mx T
Categoría Practice notice board
Última Modificación 24 Nov 202224/11/22 a las 20:16 hrs.2022-11-24 20:16:24
Vistas Únicas 19