Link to Theory and Pronunciation Exams sign-up list 17

Gema Vásquez V. 13 Dic 202313/12/23 a las 16:07 hrs.2023-12-13 16:07:13

Link to Pronunciation Test 2 sign-up list 15

Gema Vásquez V. 23 Nov 202323/11/23 a las 16:11 hrs.2023-11-23 16:11:23
Pronunciation tutorial

Link to Pronunciation test 1 sign-up list 14

Gema Vásquez V. 21 Sep 202321/09/23 a las 15:22 hrs.2023-09-21 15:22:21
Pronunciation tutorial

No Classes today 15

Irina Ilyukhina 23 Ago 202323/08/23 a las 08:13 hrs.2023-08-23 08:13:23

Dear all,

All classes are suspended today. Please spread the word!
