Link to Pronunciation Exam sign-up list 21

Gema Vásquez V. 19 Jul 202419/07/24 a las 11:37 hrs.2024-07-19 11:37:19
Pronunciation tutorial

Link to sign-up list Pronunciation Test 2 23

Gema Vásquez V. 1 Jul 202401/07/24 a las 13:52 hrs.2024-07-01 13:52:01
Pronunciation tutorial

Link to pronunciation test 1 sing-up list 24

Gema Vásquez V. 25 Abr 202425/04/24 a las 14:56 hrs.2024-04-25 14:56:25
Pronunciation tutorial

Test date poll 18

Gema Vásquez V. 18 Abr 202418/04/24 a las 16:14 hrs.2024-04-18 16:14:18
Pronunciation tutorial

Check out the poll on 'votaciones' to define when we you will be taking the first pronunciation test. I know you said 9th May, but the poll will help to confirm.

Make-up pronunciation tutorial room 18

Gema Vásquez V. 15 Abr 202415/04/24 a las 09:43 hrs.2024-04-15 09:43:15
Pronunciation tutorial

Dear all,

The room for today's make-up class is 201. The tutorial will extend for 1 hour if there are 10 or more students present. Attendace is not compulsory.

Make-up pronunciation tutorial class 18

Gema Vásquez V. 4 Abr 202404/04/24 a las 16:42 hrs.2024-04-04 16:42:04
Pronunciation tutorial

Dear all,

There will be a make-up tutorial class on Monday 15th April between 16:15 and 17:15. The class will not be divided in groups, but the whole class will have 1-hour practice session if the number of students is more than 10.
Attendance is not compulsory.