Extensive Reading Test: New rooms 15

Irina Ilyukhina 6 Nov 202406/11/24 at 18:252024-11-06 18:25:06

Dear all:

Your test will be administered by different teachers in separate locations:

Luna A, Camila C, Milena C, Daniela D, Bastian E: Room 313 with Prof. Vanja Ostoic; 
Remaining students: Room 201 with Prof. Irina Ilyukhina

Please report directly to your assigned room at the regular test time. All other test conditions remain unchanged.

Thank you for your understanding.


September 12th class: Chileans of the North 10

Irina Ilyukhina 11 Sep 202411/09/24 at 19:202024-09-11 19:20:11

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to inform you that tomorrow's class will be a special viewing of the documentary "Chileans of the North" by Chris Paul in Auditorio Julieta Kirkwood (FACSO) at 10:15. This viewing session will complement and enhance our coursework from this year. We will be exploring important issues related to human rights, culture, migration, and home as depicted in the film.

Important Instructions:

Before class: Pick up an activity worksheet from your instructors. This worksheet will guide your viewing and provide prompts for further discussion. Please arrive at 10:10 so we can distribute the worksheets.

During class: Watch the documentary and complete the worksheet.

After class: Hand in your completed worksheet before leaving. Submitting a completed worksheet at the end of the session is required to be marked as present for this class.

The content of this documentary and your observations will be part of the upcoming oral test. Make sure to pay close attention and take good notes, as you may be asked questions related to this material during your oral test.

Let's use this opportunity to deepen our understanding of these critical topics in Chilean History and engage in meaningful discussions.

Best regards,

