Final week - final exams 15
Camila Mardones A. 8 Jul 202408/07/24 a las 15:53 hrs.2024-07-08 15:53:08
Dear students, remember this is the final week. We have the written exam tomorrow at 8.30, please get up earlier so that you do not miss the instructions. On Wednesday it is the Final speaking exam, remember you need to arrive 10 minutes before your turn, otherwise, you will get the minimum grade.
here are the speaking partners, remember the topics and contents are the ones from the program.
All the best,
here are the speaking partners, remember the topics and contents are the ones from the program.
All the best,
English III july 2nd and 3rd 15
Camila Mardones A. 1 Jul 202401/07/24 a las 18:01 hrs.2024-07-01 18:01:01
Dear students, tal y como saben, hemos vuelto a clases en el campus, por lo tanto mañana nos vemos en nuestra sala de siempre, recuerden que estamos preparándonos para la prueba final que será el 9 y 10 de julio. A esta altura no estoy considerando asistencia, sin embargo, su participación en clases es primordial para aprobar el curso.
Los nuevos porcentajes son los siguientes:
1. Listening Quiz 1: 10% 2. Writing Quiz 1: 5%
3. Oral Presentation: 20%
4. Final Oral Test: 30%
5. Final Written Test: 35%
Las fechas de examenes finales
july 9: final written test
july 10: final speaking test
See you in class tomorrow and on Wednesday!
Los nuevos porcentajes son los siguientes:
1. Listening Quiz 1: 10% 2. Writing Quiz 1: 5%
3. Oral Presentation: 20%
4. Final Oral Test: 30%
5. Final Written Test: 35%
Las fechas de examenes finales
july 9: final written test
july 10: final speaking test
See you in class tomorrow and on Wednesday!
English III june 25th -26th 14
Camila Mardones A. 24 Jun 202424/06/24 a las 11:56 hrs.2024-06-24 11:56:24
Dear students, debido a que el estudiantado ha votado declinar el paro, mañana se espera asistencia de todos a nuestras clases de manera online vía Zoom, tal como hemos estado teniendo desde que comenzó la movilización. Se dará prioridad a fortalecer aprendizajes de manera de prepararnos para la prueba final, por lo que no tomaremos quizzes atrasados en estas semanas, solo nos prepararemos en speaking, listening, reading and writing para examenes finales por lo que es muy importante que asistan y que haya participación de la clase online.
Hope to see you
Hope to see you
English III - june 18th and 19th week 8
Camila Mardones A. 17 Jun 202417/06/24 a las 15:12 hrs.2024-06-17 15:12:17
Dear students, this week we will be working online on the following:
Describing and talking about jobs, professions, skills, and related requirements.
Grammar: expressing ability (modals), prepositions of place
Reading, listening, writing and speaking activities
Please connect to the class, it's important to participate of it.
Describing and talking about jobs, professions, skills, and related requirements.
Grammar: expressing ability (modals), prepositions of place
Reading, listening, writing and speaking activities
Please connect to the class, it's important to participate of it.
This week english III - online class june 11 and 12th 12
Camila Mardones A. 10 Jun 202410/06/24 a las 22:08 hrs.2024-06-10 22:08:10
Dear students, we will continue to meet online, please connect to the class tomorrow. It's important to practice all English language skills and that is what we will do (listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities).
Hope to see you
All the best,
Hope to see you
All the best,
This week in English III- june 4th-5th 13
Camila Mardones A. 3 Jun 202403/06/24 a las 17:00 hrs.2024-06-03 17:00:03
Dear students, this week we will continue to work online through Zoom. Please connect to the class since it has been weeks of strike and the English Program continues, classes will continue. English is a tool for life, I can assure you, you will use it in the future, so please connect and participate in the class. We will not have the pending Writing Quiz until we come back.
This week we will be working on comparatives and superlatives and using other similar expressions.
Hope to see you all,
All the best,
This week we will be working on comparatives and superlatives and using other similar expressions.
Hope to see you all,
All the best,
Remote classes of English May 28th and 29th 14
Camila Mardones A. 27 May 202427/05/24 a las 18:04 hrs.2024-05-27 18:04:27
Dear students,
The English class will be done remotely through Zoom tomorrow 28th and may 29th (you will find a camera logo in U-cursos, I will call the roll at 8.50), we will take Writing Quiz 2 next week, on June 4th. The class will not be recorded. If you attend, you will be marked as present, if you do not attend you will be recorded as "asistencia justificada", I will wait 20 minutes online, if nobody shows up, I will disconnect and post the material of the class.
All the best,
The English class will be done remotely through Zoom tomorrow 28th and may 29th (you will find a camera logo in U-cursos, I will call the roll at 8.50), we will take Writing Quiz 2 next week, on June 4th. The class will not be recorded. If you attend, you will be marked as present, if you do not attend you will be recorded as "asistencia justificada", I will wait 20 minutes online, if nobody shows up, I will disconnect and post the material of the class.
All the best,
week 10 - may 28th and 29th 13
Camila Mardones A. 27 May 202427/05/24 a las 16:47 hrs.2024-05-27 16:47:27
Dear students, remember we have Writing Quiz 2 tomorrow. Do not forget to come to class, you need to present a medical certificate in Ucampus if you do not show up.
This week we will do general exercises to practice English four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
See you in class.
Dear students, remember we have Writing Quiz 2 tomorrow. Do not forget to come to class, you need to present a medical certificate in Ucampus if you do not show up.
This week we will do general exercises to practice English four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
See you in class.
week 9 material - may 22nd 11
Camila Mardones A. 22 May 202422/05/24 a las 09:44 hrs.2024-05-22 09:44:22
Dear students, the material of today's class is in Material Docente, week 9 - May 22nd. Please practice writing a paragraph and look for expressions you are not familiar with.
I hope to see you on May 28th for our writing quiz, if you continue on strike, please let me know.
All the best,
I hope to see you on May 28th for our writing quiz, if you continue on strike, please let me know.
All the best,
English III -may 22nd week 14
Camila Mardones A. 21 May 202421/05/24 a las 12:51 hrs.2024-05-21 12:51:21
Dear Students,
Please be reminded that the Writing Quiz will take place tomorrow may 22nd . Attendance is mandatory unless you have a medical certificate (which should be uploaded to Ucampus). Additionally, Giulliana and Josefa are scheduled to deliver their oral presentations. I look forward to seeing you promptly at 8:30 AM.
Best regards,