Remote classes of English May 28th and 29th

Camila Mardones A. 27 May 202427/05/24 a las 18:04 hrs.2024-05-27 18:04:27

Dear students,
The English class will be done remotely through Zoom tomorrow 28th and may 29th (you will find a camera logo in U-cursos, I will call the roll at 8.50), we will take Writing Quiz 2 next week, on June 4th. The class will not be recorded. If you attend, you will be marked as present, if you do not attend you will be recorded as "asistencia justificada", I will wait 20 minutes online, if nobody shows up, I will disconnect and post the material of the class.

All the best,
Última Modificación 27 May 202427/05/24 a las 18:04 hrs.2024-05-27 18:04:27
Vistas Únicas 14