Título Por
Semana 1

pdf Fukuyama, F. (2008). The Latin American Experience. Journal of Democracy, 19(4), pp. 69–79..pdf

1.2 mb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Rueschemeyer, D.; Huber Stephens, E.; Stephens, J. (1992). Capitalist Development and Democracy..pdf

19 mb

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Semana 2 y 3

pdf Levitsky, S., & Murillo, M. V. (2013). Building Institutions on Weak Foundations. Journal.pdf

675 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Hagopian, F. (2006). Democratización avances y retrocesos en América Latina. Revista.pdf

96 kb

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pdf Burton, M., Gunther, R., & Higley, J. (1992). Introduction. elite transformations and democratic regimes. Higley, J., Gunther, R. (Eds.). (1992). Elites and Democratic.pdf

2.3 mb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Semana 4 y 5

pdf Brinks, D.; Levitsky, S.; Murillo, M. 2020) The Politics of Institutional Weakness in Latin America.pdf

2.8 mb

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pdf Olivares, Alejandro; Baeza, Jaime; Dávila, Mireya. (2015). Los gabinetes ministeriales en.pdf

174 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Carey, J. M. (2006). Presidencialismo versus parlamentarismo. Revista.pdf

794 kb

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pdf Dockendorff, A. (2019). “Who is ready to climb the hill? The Effect of Legislative Activity on Promo.pdf

1.5 mb

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pdf Cheibub, José Antonio (2007). Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy. (Cambridge: Cambrid.pdf

2.1 mb

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pdf Colomer, J.; Negretto, G. (2005). Can Presidentialism Work Like Parliamentarism? Government and Oppo.pdf

847 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Foweraker, Joe (1998). Institutional Design, Party Systems and Governability - Differentiating the P.pdf

3.4 mb

Jaime Baeza Freer

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Semana 7 y 8

pdf Levistky, Steven; Van Dyck, Brandon; Loxton, James; Dominguez, Jorge (editores) (2016). Challenges o.pdf

18 mb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


zip Mainwaring, S. (Editor) (2018). Party System in Latin America: Institutionalization,Decay, and Colla.zip

1.6 mb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Alemán, E.; Cabezas, J.M.; Calvo, E. (2021). Coalition incentives and party bias in Chile. Electora.pdf

1.5 mb

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pdf Mainwaring, S. (2016). Party System Institutionalization, Party Collapse and PartyBuilding Governmen.pdf

310 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Semana 9

pdf Pion-Berlin, D. (2010) Neither Military nor Police: Facing Heterodox Security Challengers and Fillin.pdf

203 kb

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Semana 10 y 11

pdf Mares, D. (2017). The Zone of Violent Peace. En. M.A.G. Suarez (eds.), Power Dynamics and Regional .pdf

70 mb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Nolte, Detlef, and Leslie Wehner. 2016. Geopolitics in Latin America, Old and New. 4/14 In Routledg.pdf

651 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Semana 12

pdf Somma, N. (2020). Social Movements in Latin America: Mapping the Literature. In The Oxford Handbook.pdf

290 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Keck, M.; Sikkink, K. (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics.pdf

3.3 mb

Jaime Baeza Freer

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Semana 13 y 14

pdf Schneider, B. (2004). Patterns of Business Politics in Latin America. In Business Politics and the .pdf

134 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Schamis, H. E. (1991). Reconceptualizing Latin American Authoritarianism in the 1970s: From Burea.pdf

3.1 mb

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pdf Córdova, A., & Seligson, M. A. (2009). Economic Crisis and Democracy in Latin America. PS: Political.pdf

970 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Semana 15

pdf Luna, J.P; Rovira, C. (2021). Castigo a los oficialismos y ciclo político de derecha en América Lat.pdf

364 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Mudde, C; Rovira,C. (2018) Studying Populism in Comparative Perspective: Reflecions on the Contempo.pdf

178 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Mudde, C; Rovira,C. (2018) Studying Populism in Comparative Perspective: Reflecions on the Contempo.pdf

178 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Wehner, L. (2022) Stereotyped images and role dissonance in the foreign policy of right-wing popu.pdf

129 kb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Barros, S. (2014). Populismo, pueblo y liderazgo en América Latina. Colombia Internacional, (82), p.pdf

121 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Murillo, María Victoria. 2018. “La historicidad del pueblo y los límites del populismo”. Nueva Soci.pdf

348 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Semana 16

pdf Baeza, J. Política Exterior de los Estados Unidos bajo Donald Trump: El populismo jacksoniano como .pdf

227 kb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04

Textos de trabajo continuo/Complementarios

pdf Munck, G; Luna, J.P. (2022) Latin American Politics and Society: A Comparative and Historical Analy.pdf

23 mb

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4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04


pdf Kurt Weyland - Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion_ Social Sector Reform in Latin America.pdf

1.6 mb

Jaime Baeza Freer

4 Ago 202404/08/242024-08-04