Have a blast on this week’s English Corner

Elba Navarro C. 13 Abr 202113/04/21 a las 12:45 hrs.2021-04-13 12:45:13

Hello everyone! 

We hope you had an amazing rest week! We are starting this week with exciting activities in our Virtual English Corner! 🎉

We invite you this Wednesday April 14 to join us and have a blast playing online games and chatting with your fellow peers and tutors while practicing your English!


* 12:00-13:30 Levels 1-2-3

* 14:30-16:30 Levels 4-5

First years can come to all sessions!


uchile.zoom.us/ ... bVFJYVJJVWtzYU9Sdz09

See you there!

Última Modificación 13 Abr 202113/04/21 a las 12:45 hrs.2021-04-13 12:45:13
Vistas Únicas 13