rar Dataset de imagenes medicas.rar

6 Jun6 de Junio a las 20:52 hrs.2024-06-06 20:52:06 por Carlos Navarro C.

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This collection compiles anonymous radiographs, which have - been arbitrarly selected from routine at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Aachen, Germany. The imagery represents different ages, genders, view positions and pathologies. Therefore, image quality varies significantly. All images were downscaled to fit into a 512 x 512 bounding box maintaining the original aspect ratio. All images were classified according to the IRMA code. Based on this code, 193 categories were defined. For 12,677 images, these categories are provided. The remaining 1,733 images without code are used as test data for the ImageCLEFmed 2009 competition.

www.kaggle.com/ ... gx/imageclefmed-2009
Categoría Proyecto Imagenes
Año 2023
Autor Jorge Zambrano
Última Modificación 6 Jun6 de Junio a las 20:52 hrs.2024-06-06 20:52:06