Encuesta de Evaluación del Desempeño Docente 23 Dic 202423/12/24 a las 00:01 hrs.2024-12-23 00:01:23
Nota Final 16 Dic 202416/12/24 a las 21:03 hrs.2024-12-16 21:03:16
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Hydrus 16 Dic 202416/12/24 a las 17:07 hrs.2024-12-16 17:07:16
Elizabeth Ramírez Z.
Autoevaluación (Fecha entrega: 10/12/2024) 7 Dic 202407/12/24 a las 00:19 hrs.2024-12-07 00:19:07
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Presentación paper 7 Dic 202407/12/24 a las 00:05 hrs.2024-12-07 00:05:07
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Daniela Celedón-Ignacia Retamales.pdf 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 12:21 hrs.2024-12-05 12:21:05
Daniela Celedon P.
Response of soil water, temperature, and maize productivity to different irrigation practices in an arid region.pdf 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 11:28 hrs.2024-12-05 11:28:05
Vicente Martínez Barnao
Daniela Celedón - Ignacia Retamales.pdf 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 10:12 hrs.2024-12-05 10:12:05
María Ignacia Retamales
Malverde-Vargas Topicos.pptx 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 09:15 hrs.2024-12-05 09:15:05
Carolina Vargas B.
PAPERSOTE YASNACAROLINA Y MATIASBENKO 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 09:10 hrs.2024-12-05 09:10:05
Matías Benko Mella Mella
Arluciaga-Valenzuela 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 09:10 hrs.2024-12-05 09:10:05
Belén Valenzuela G.
Malverde y Vargas.pdf 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 09:09 hrs.2024-12-05 09:09:05
Imara Malverde
TFS_seguel.pptx 5 Dic 202405/12/24 a las 09:08 hrs.2024-12-05 09:08:05
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Repelencia al agua.pptx 13 Nov 202413/11/24 a las 22:42 hrs.2024-11-13 22:42:13
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Difusión gases.ppt 7 Nov 202407/11/24 a las 00:06 hrs.2024-11-07 00:06:07
Oscar Seguel Seguel
N muestreal 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 11:32 hrs.2024-10-24 11:32:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
SR_Fuentes_14264_2015_Vol 53_433-447.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 11:24 hrs.2024-10-24 11:24:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Martínez-Anes_2024_Response of soil water, temperature, and maize productivity to different.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:46 hrs.2024-10-24 10:46:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Martínez-Anes_2024_Response of soil water, temperature, and maize productivity to different.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:46 hrs.2024-10-24 10:46:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Martínez-Anes_2024_Response of soil water, temperature, and maize productivity to different.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:46 hrs.2024-10-24 10:46:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Celedón-Retamales_2024_Modeling soil water and salt dynamics in cotton-sugarbeet.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:44 hrs.2024-10-24 10:44:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Malverde-Vargas_2024_Soil structure and solute transport pathways in biogas.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:38 hrs.2024-10-24 10:38:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Pedreros-Mella_2024_Effects of soil pore structure on gas diffusivity under different land uses.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:35 hrs.2024-10-24 10:35:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Arluciaga-Valenzuela_2024_Long-term mulched drip irrigation 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:33 hrs.2024-10-24 10:33:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel
Martínez-2024_Response of soil water, temperature, and maize productivity to different.pdf 24 Oct 202424/10/24 a las 10:31 hrs.2024-10-24 10:31:24
Oscar Seguel Seguel