Final Content Week Reminder: Preparations and Attendance (end of explaining cont

Camila Mardones A. 20 Nov 202420/11/24 a las 15:44 hrs.2024-11-20 15:44:20


Dear Students,

Next week marks our final week of the course! 🎉

Here’s what you need to know and prepare:

  1. Attendance Requirement:

    • Remember, you need 75% attendance to take the final exams. This includes justified absences ("asistencias justificadas") and classes attended ("clases asistidas").
    • Late arrivals ("atrasos") do not count towards your attendance percentage.
  2. Preparation for Monday:

    • Review the materials from Lessons 2 and 3 of Unit 6 and complete the reading activities. We will work on these in class.
    • Work on the tasks in the Tareas section as well.
    • We will work on task 6 on November 27th
  3. Final Exam Review:

    • Next week, we will also focus on review activities for the final written exam and the final speaking exam.

Let’s stay motivated and work together for a strong finish to our semester! 🎉💪

Best regards,
Professor Camila

Última Modificación 20 Nov 202420/11/24 a las 16:00 hrs.2024-11-20 16:00:20
Vistas Únicas 12