
(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Special Announcement: Lessons for next Sept. 23rd wi 6

René Larenas M. 17 Sep 202417/09/24 a las 18:58 hrs.2024-09-17 18:58:17
Special Announcement

Dear Students, 

As the title suggests, lessons for next Monday [Sept. 23rd.]  will be carried out under the synchronous format; this means the following: 

(1) Lessons will start, as usual, at 9:00 am

(2) 15 minutes before the synchronous (online) lesson starts [8:45 am], please log to ‘u-cursos’ (‘Clase Virtual’ section) and connect to the lesson from there

(3) Once this lesson is finished, I will upload the teaching material (a PPT file and an audio file), if required.

In any case, if you have any questions, please write back
Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 10th [Sep 11

René Larenas M. 13 Sep 202413/09/24 a las 08:00 hrs.2024-09-13 08:00:13
Guidelines for next lessons

Dear Students,

For this week's lessons (September 10th. & 13th.)

(1) We have already worked on our 'Writing Quiz 1' evaluation

(3) The PDF document for our subsequent evaluation, 'Video Talk' (1st deadline: Sept 30th. - 2nd and final deadline: Oct. 7th.), can also be found in the 'Material Docente'  section. Please take a look at this document. 

For the following lessons (September 23rd & 27th.)

(1) The following Monday and Friday lessons  (#10 & #11) will work on Linguistic Structures and Communicative Contexts

In case you have any questions, please write back,

Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 8th [Sept 5

René Larenas M. 6 Sep 202406/09/24 a las 13:20 hrs.2024-09-06 13:20:06
Guidelines for next lessons

Dear Students,

For this week's lessons (September 3rd. & 6th.)

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 6' & '7' can be found in the 'Material Docente' section

(2) Our next evaluation, 'Writing Quiz 1', will occur next Sept. 13th.

(3) The PDF document for our next evaluation, 'Video Talk' (1st deadline: Sept 30th. - 2nd and final deadline: Oct. 7th.), can also be found in the 'Material Docente'  section. Please take a look at this document. 

For the following lessons (September 10th & 13th.)

(1) The following Monday and Friday lessons  (#8 & #9) will work on Linguistic Structures and Communicative Contexts

In case you have any questions, please write back,

Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 6th [Sept 9

René Larenas M. 30 Ago 202430/08/24 a las 13:45 hrs.2024-08-30 13:45:30
Guidelines for next lessons

Dear Students,

For this week's lessons (August 27th. & 30th.)

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 4' & '5' can be found in the 'Material Docente' section

For the following lessons (September 2nd & 6th.)

(1) The following Monday and Friday lessons  (#5 & #6) will work on Linguistic Structures and Communicative Contexts

In case you have any questions, please write back,

Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 4th [Aug. 6

René Larenas M. 23 Ago 202423/08/24 a las 13:40 hrs.2024-08-23 13:40:23
Guidelines for next lessons

Dear Students,

For this week's lessons (August 19th. & 23rd.)

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 2' & '3' can be found in the 'Material Docente' section

For the following lessons (August 19th & 23rd.)

(1) The following Monday and Friday lessons  (#4 & #5) will work on Linguistic Structures and Communicative Contexts:  (a) the Linguistic part (some grammatical structures in communicative contexts for the most part and written autonomous work for Written Quizzes) and (b) the Communicative part (individual and group work: debating activities, video discussions, etc. Preparation on autonomous work for Oral evaluations) 

In case you have any questions, please write back,

Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 3rd [Aug. 7

René Larenas M. 16 Ago 202416/08/24 a las 13:44 hrs.2024-08-16 13:44:16
Guidelines for next lessons

Dear Students,

For today's lesson (August 16th.)

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 1' & 'Introductory Lesson' can be found in the 'Material Docente' section

For the following lessons (August 19th and 23rd.)

(1) We will be working on both of our lessons, which will be divided into two parts, as we already know: 

(1.1) The following Monday and Friday lessons  (#2 & #3) will work on Linguistic Structures and Communicative Contexts.

(1.1.1) Lessons 2 & 3 will be [almost wholly] composed of (a) the Linguistic part (some grammatical structures in communicative contexts for the most part and written autonomous work for Written Quizzes) and (b) the Communicative part (individual and group work: debating activities, video discussions, etc. Preparation on autonomous work for Oral evaluations) 

In case you have any questions, please write back,

Best Regards

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Lessons for next Friday [Aug. 16th.] will remain face 11

René Larenas M. 14 Ago 202414/08/24 a las 11:56 hrs.2024-08-14 11:56:14
Special Announcement

Dear Students, 

The Faculty Director and the General Coordination from the English Program have requested that our lesson modality not be changed to "online." Therefore, our lessons for this next Friday will remain in a face-to-face format (presencial)

(S.3) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for our 1st [Aug. 15

René Larenas M. 9 Ago 202409/08/24 a las 11:41 hrs.2024-08-09 11:41:09
Formal Introduction to English 4 (B1)

Dear Students,

My name is René Larenas Moyano, and I will be this semester's 'English 4' (B1), 2nd Semester 2024 teacher. You are very welcome to this course that will (hopefully) begin the following Monday (August 12th.) at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.

Now, I will explain what is coming for us this semester,

(1) We will have #2 lessons per week, one every Monday and the others for every Friday of this coming semester:

Mondays: 09:00 am - 10:30 am [Clasroom 'E-303']
Fridays: 11:30 am - 01:15 am [Classroom 'E-305']

(2) For this Monday (August 12th.), the very first lesson will be dealing with administrative issues, while the second (August 16th) onwards will be focused on developing productive linguistic abilities (i.e. Speaking and Writing)

(2.1) Administrative Issues means; (2.2.1) Evaluations, (2.2.2) Evaluation dates, (2.2.3) Rubric criteria, (2.2.4) Rules and Regulations [Attendance], (2.2.5) Lesson Format and Teaching Methodology

(3) These lessons will be exclusively dedicated to you to work on some essential elements that will help with your communicative skills [Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking]. The idea is that you take this English course as a workshop, not a lecture

(4) We will also begin most of the lessons by having a little discussion [for the sake of practising your productive language skills] about a video or a topic I bring to the class.
(4.1) I beg you to please come to every single lesson you can and try to be on time [be as punctual as you can]

(5) Once every lesson is finished, I will upload two items to this platform:
(5.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and
(5.2) A 'Novedades' notification for you to have a more accurate description of what we will be doing in the next lesson

(6) Please take into consideration that a document has already been uploaded to the 'Material Docente' section under the '[Appendix] Program and Planning' sub-section :
(6.1) This document is called '2024-2_Ingles 4_Programa asignatura', an extensive document that deals with the lesson's activities and evaluation dates for this semester. Please take a look at it.
(6.2) This document may suffer from further modifications for some lessons and evaluation dates, so please stay tuned for these changes.

(7) If you have any questions in English or Spanish, please write back. Answers will be delivered typically in English

Best Regards
Until our next lesson