(S.1) English 2 (CEFR: A2) Suggestions and Recommendations, Lessons 1 & 2 [Aug. 10

René Larenas M. 9 Ago 202409/08/24 a las 17:15 hrs.2024-08-09 17:15:09
Formal Introduction to English 2 (A2) - Please read!

Dear Students,

I am René Larenas Moyano. I'm your English 2 (A2) teacher for this 2nd Semester 2024. This course starts next Tuesday (August 13th) at the Faculty of Arts, Las Encinas.

Now, I am going to explain some important points you need to know:

(1) We have #2 lessons, one every Tuesday and the other every Thursday:

Tuesdays: 08:30 am - 10:00 am [Clasroom 'Laboratorio de Inglés']
Thursdays: 08:30 am - 10:00 am [Classroom 'Laboratorio de Inglés']

(2) For this Tuesday (August 13th.), the first lesson will be about administrative issues. All the other classes will be about  productive linguistic abilities (for example, Speaking and Writing)

(2.1) Administrative Issues, in other words, are Evaluations, Evaluation dates, Rubrics, Rules and Regulations [Attendance], Lesson Format and Teaching Methodology

(2.2) Please come to every single lesson you can and try to be on time [please, be punctual!]

(3) 15 minutes before a lesson starts, I will upload the teaching material:

(3.1) A PDF file containing the lesson (class work)

(4) When a lesson finishes, I will upload a 'Novedades' notification (What is going to happen next lesson)

(5) A document was uploaded to the 'Material Docente' section:

(5.1) This document is called '2024-2_Ingles 2_Programa asignatura', an extensive document that covers the lesson's activities and evaluation dates for this semester. Please take a look at it.

(5.2) This document may suffer from modifications for some lessons and evaluation dates in the future, so please be attentive to these changes.

(6) If you have any questions in English or Spanish, please write back. Answers will be delivered typically in English

Best Regards
Until we see each other once again