(S.1) Scientific English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Blog Entries #1 & #2 [Blog Assessment Mar

René Larenas M. 15 Nov 202315/11/23 a las 18:26 hrs.2023-11-15 18:26:15

Dear Students,

The blog marks have been re-arranged to fit/comply with the English Program standards. The new 'Blog Entries' Mark will add to 2 assessed blogs which have been selected randomly (in this case, #1 and #2). Therefore, the final mark will be composed of your 5 blog entries plus blog 1 and 2 evaluations in compliance with the rubric. These changes will not affect any of your blog entries' marks

Best Regards
Categoría Marks
Última Modificación 15 Nov 202315/11/23 a las 18:51 hrs.2023-11-15 18:51:15
Vistas Únicas 9