Can watching Netflix be productive? 12

Gloria Troncoso 11 Abr 202111/04/21 a las 22:11 hrs.2021-04-11 22:11:11

We have all been there.

“Hey, have you watched The Walking Dead series?”
“No …”
“You need to watch it!”

Then, 1 week later, you haven’t had any human contact, you have watched all 7 seasons and your room is starting to smell a bit odd. 

The wonderful thing about Netflix is that you can change the language of practically every series or film you are watching. You can even change the language of the subtitles! A few months ago, I started watching my all-time favourite series, Friends, on Netflix in preparation for my year abroad in France. I am now currently working as a language assistant in the Poitou-Charentes region. The idioms and fast-paced phrases I picked up from Friends have honestly been a huge help. Also, I have noticed that students who watch their favourite Netflix series in English have a higher level of spoken English.

Why you should watch your favourite series in the language you are learning:

-          You get used to the sounds and different rhythms of the language.
-          You can pick up colloquial phrases and words that are repeated.
-          If you have already seen the episode or film, you already have an idea of the storyline. This will help you to learn new, specific vocabulary.
-          If you are already spending an evening watching TV, why not watch it in the language you are learning?

Tips for fellow Netflix lovers:

-          Relax! You don’t need to understand every single word. We work with context: use what is happening in the episode to work out what the word meant. I recommend letting the episode/film flow as it is likely the word will be repeated.
-          Find a film that you love. Then re-watch it in English (or the language you’re learning) and turn off the subtitles! This will help you concentrate on the pronunciation of words.
-          Watch something you enjoy, otherwise it will feel like homework. Remember that it will get easier the more you hear the language!

Now that both you and I are feeling a lot less guilty about our binge-watching weekends, I’m off to catch up on Orange Is the New Black …

Have you tried to watch a film in another language before?
Did you find your language skills improved?

Strategies that good language learners employ 10

Gloria Troncoso 11 Abr 202111/04/21 a las 21:36 hrs.2021-04-11 21:36:11

Hi everybody!

Some of your classmates have asked me what to do in order to improve their English. Well, even though watching series in Netflix with subtitles can help, a number of studies have tried to identify what good language learners do, and what strategies they employ in order to be successful. While not every strategy is expected to be successful for every one of you, knowing what strategies are likely to be more successful can be an extremely liberating process and give you motivation to take more risk in and out the class.
So, these are the strategies that good language learners employ to acquire them:

Predicting – using social and contextual clues to guess at the topic
Try to guess what the topic will be about. Students who are good at picking up on social and contextual clues often become better language learners.

Using selective attention – paying attention to only what seems important
Pay attention to only a particular aspect of a lesson. Decide to ignore distracting information and pay attention only to what you believe is important.

Preparing – thinking about what one wants to communicate in advance
Prepare in advance, this way you will often do better. For example: if you write down notes about what you want to say, you will generally excel over a classmate who simply tries to speak with no preparation.

Looking ridiculous – being willing to look foolish in order to complete the task
Don't worry about what you look like. Just focus on the task and try to accomplish it.

If you practice you will be better able to master the skill of language. Practice should be at the core of any real language class.

Monitoring – correcting one’s own speech for accuracy
Monitoring refers to correction of your own speech for accuracy and pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and appropriateness. Pay attention to both form and meaning.

Asking questions
Learn to ask questions to those around you and get answers to those questions

Taking notes
Write down what you hear and discuss it, you will be more likely to remember and better able to retain.

Using imagery – relating new information to a visualization
Relate new information to a visualization, this way, you will often perform better.

Finding the answer in multiple ways
Find answers from dictionaries, teachers, classmates and other sources. Don't get information from just one source.

Using physical response – relating new information to a physical action
Relate information such as new vocabulary to a physical action. This helps deepen memory.

Playing – experimenting with language
Practice reordering a meaningful sentence by using words in a new way. Play with language.

Hope this helps you improve your language skills.
Kind regards,

Links 12

Gloria Troncoso 7 Abr 202107/04/21 a las 17:50 hrs.2021-04-07 17:50:07

Hi again! 
I've just uploaded 2 links you'll find clicking on "Enlaces".
One of them is about the English program for Level 3 this semester. On the other one, you'll find a Google Drive folder, where you'll have access to our recorded Zoom classes, as well as some extra material as we go along.
The first time you click on this link, you'll need my permission to access.
See you next Wednesday at 3.00 pm!
All the best,

Greetings! 16

Gloria Troncoso 7 Abr 202107/04/21 a las 14:12 hrs.2021-04-07 14:12:07

Dear students,
This is Gloria, your teacher of English fo this 1st semester. I'm eager to get to know you all.
See you at 3.00 pm!