(S.5) English 3 (CEFR: A2+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for this next le

René Larenas M. 13 Abr 202213/04/22 a las 21:06 hrs.2022-04-13 21:06:13

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (April 13th.) 

(1) We have already done our second blog session. Only as a reminder, please, to anybody who could not come to today's lesson, please begin your work with your blog entries

For our next lesson (April 18th.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for all of the asynchronous evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles),  'Product Design at ArtCenter College of Design', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv8GSZApW_g

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) Does the following quotation make any sense to you? : 'Once you put productivity and logic together, you get "product design"

(2.1.2) Should we consider the following aspects when we design a product?: (a) If you can't get to touch it and pick it up you can't get to buy it, (b) We have to make it emotionally satisfying because that's what humans want

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards
Categoría Information for next lesson
Última Modificación 13 Abr 202213/04/22 a las 21:08 hrs.2022-04-13 21:08:13
Vistas Únicas 10