Online class tomorrow 12 pm

Natalia Tranchino M. 8 Sep 202208/09/22 a las 18:34 hrs.2022-09-08 18:34:08

Dear All

I hope this finds you in good health. As you may know by now, the Vice-Dean's Office has instructed that, in view of the current context, Friday classes are to be held online for all undergraduate courses. Accordingly, tomorrow we are meeting at 12 pm on zoom. I will be posting the 'clase virtual' in due time.

See you then, stay well.

Mx Tranchino
Categoría Vocabulary Sec 1 Notice Board
Última Modificación 8 Sep 202208/09/22 a las 18:34 hrs.2022-09-08 18:34:08
Vistas Únicas 15