Study Visits for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany 115

Jorge Aliaga S. 16 Ene16 de Enero a las 11:37 hrs.2025-01-16 11:37:16

Obermann International Fellowships 73

Jorge Aliaga S. 16 Ene16 de Enero a las 11:33 hrs.2025-01-16 11:33:16

The Obermann Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Iowa now offers flexible fellowships for international researchers and artists to develop collaborations and pursue independent work at our beautiful Iowa City campus. Obermann International Fellowships are funded by the University of Iowa's Obermann Center for Advanced Studies with generous additional support from International Programs and the Center for Social Science Innovation.

Applications for Spring 2025 fellowships were due November 15, 2024. 
Applications for Fall 2025 fellowships are due February 15, 2025.


Up to eight international fellowships are granted per academic year.

Applicants must be active researchers at an accredited institution of higher learning outside of the United States or independent researchers/artists with a track record of excellence based outside of the U.S. Their area of research must have a direct equivalent at the University of Iowa. 

Fellows are chosen for their ability to expose the campus to new and relevant research agendas or regions, and the likelihood that the fellowship will result in lasting scholarly contributions. Applications will be reviewed by the Obermann Center staff, who will make recommendations for acceptance to the Advisory Board. 

Qualified candidates of any nationality are invited to apply; they should have a good enough command of English to be able to partake in UI academic activities. Researchers are expected to reside in the Iowa City area during the term of their fellowship and participate in the Obermann Center’s activities. 

The duration of the stay is flexible: fellowships can last a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of one UI academic semester. The start and end dates of the fellowship must fall within a single Fall or Spring UI semester. Fall 2025 fellowships must take place between August 25 and December 12, 2025.

For opening and closing dates of UI semesters, please see this calendar

To join us for Fall 2025:  

Apply by 2/15/25


Please contact Obermann Center director Luis Martín-Estudillo at with questions about this program.
competitiondetails.pdf (32 kb)
Obermann_International_Fellowships_(OIF).pdf (1.6 mb)

HOY: Fulbright Charla informativa postulación convocatorias 2025 64

Jorge Aliaga S. 16 Ene16 de Enero a las 11:31 hrs.2025-01-16 11:31:16


1er. Webinar Informativo

Jueves 16 de enero, 2025 a las 16:00 hrs. 


2do. Webinar Informativo

Jueves 20 marzo, 2025 a las 16:00 hrs.


Cierre de Convocatorias

31 de marzo, 2025, a las 16:00 hrs. (hora continental de Chile).



Inscríbete en los webinars escribiendo un correo a Recibirás el enlace a la sesión el mismo día de la actividad.

Open Call for Supporting Talent in ReSearch@University of Padua - STARS@UNIPD 20 116

Jorge Aliaga S. 16 Ene16 de Enero a las 09:01 hrs.2025-01-16 09:01:16

The STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals is open from 20 December 2024 until 21 March 2025, at 1 p.m. (Italian time zone).

The STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals funds research projects of 30 months, whose focus may range in the 28 scientific research areas of Unipd, corresponding to the three ERC research domains:
- PE: Physical Sciences and Engineering
- LS: Life Sciences
- SH: Social Sciences and Humanities. 

The call offers three types of funding with a "bottom-up" approach, without predefined thematic areas. It is open to Principal Investigators (PIs) of any age and nationality who wish to carry out their research activities at a Department of the University of Padua. Applicants must demonstrate the innovative nature, ambition, and feasibility of the proposed scientific project.


STARS Starting Grant (STARS-StG): for PIs – also external to UNIPD – who are beginning to establish their own research team and/or to start their own independent research activity. PIs must have defended their first Doctoral degree within a maximum of 5 years prior to 1 January 2025 (cut-off dates: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024 included).

STARS Consolidator Grant (STARS-CoG): for PIs, who are already conducting research at the University of Padua and are consolidating their own research team and/or their own independent research. PIs must have defended their first Doctoral degree within a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 years prior to 1 January 2025 (cut-off dates: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2019 included):

STARS Wild Card Grant (STARS-WiC): for PIs, who are already conducting research at the University of Padua and who applied to the 2023 and 2024 ERC calls, indicating Unipd as their Host Institution, and whose project obtained a final score of "A" but was not funded due to budget limits.



STARS Grants Enquiries

Research and Business Relations Area
International Research Office

stars2025_locandina_OK.pdf (727 kb)
STARSaUNIPD_2025_Template_B2.docx (23 kb)
STARSaUNIPD_Call_Summary_2025_ENG.pdf (356 kb)
GFA_STARSaUNIPD_2025.pdf (1.7 mb)
BANDO_STARSaUNIPD_2025_ENG.pdf (412 kb)
STARSaUNIPD_2025_Template_B1.docx (21 kb)
Letter_of_Commitment_0.docx (19 kb)

Oferta laboral Ingeniero en Alimentos 212

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 17:43 hrs.2025-01-15 17:43:15

Empresa de Importación y Distribución de alimentos está en búsqueda de un Ingeniero en Alimentos para trabajar en la comuna de Vitacura que cumpla con lo siguiente:
-         Asegurar la calidad de los productos importados y nacionales
-         Validación de proveedores y productos con clientes
-         Gestión de reclamos
-         Gestión de No conformidades a proveedores
-         Control de Documentos y registros
-         Gestión de auditorías
-         Seguimiento a los indicadores del Sistema de Gestión
-         Desarrollo de nuevos proyectos
-         Desarrollo de nuevos productos
-         Conocimiento y experiencia con el RSA
-         Ingeniero en Alimentos
-         Experiencia 1-2 años
-         Disponibilidad para trabajar presencial en la comuna de Vitacura.
Modalidad presencial de lunes a jueves 8:45 a 17:30 y viernes 8:45 a 17:00
Si te interesa esta oportunidad envíanos tu CV a

Convocatoria abierta Fulbright 166

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 17:01 hrs.2025-01-15 17:01:15


Comunicado trabajos de gasfitería sábado 18 enero 79

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 17:00 hrs.2025-01-15 17:00:15

Estimada Comunidad Universitaria:

Nos permitimos informar a ustedes que el sábado 18 de enero, entre las 10:00 y 12:00 horas, se realizarán trabajos de gasfitería en el 4°piso del edificio Luis Ceruti, para lo cual cortaremos el suministro de agua potable.

Dado lo anterior, solicitamos tomar los resguardos correspondientes.

Agradecemos su comprensión por las eventuales molestias que se puedan ocasionar durante dichos trabajos.


Administración de Facultad
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas
Universidad de Chile

Santiago, 14 de enero de 2025

Comunicado trabajos multi 1- Edificio Luis Ceruti 173

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 16:58 hrs.2025-01-15 16:58:15

Estimada Comunidad Universitaria,

Me permito informar a ustedes que entre el día lunes 13 de enero, hasta la primera semana de marzo se estarán realizando obras para remodelar el laboratorio Multi 1, ubicado en el primer piso del edificio Luis Ceruti. Estos trabajos pueden ocasionar ruidos molestos, y en algunas ocasiones requerirán de cortes de algunos servicios (agua, gas y vacío), los que de todas maneras se informarán oportunamente.  
Para mayor información consultar a la arquitecta del campus, Bárbara Arias  Datos de contacto / anexo 81711
Saluda cordialmente.

CFG Medicamentos a lo largo de la vida: comprendiendo su impacto en el bienestar 164

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 16:49 hrs.2025-01-15 16:49:15


Curso de formación general Autocuidado y Promoción de la Salud Mental 128

Jorge Aliaga S. 15 Ene15 de Enero a las 16:48 hrs.2025-01-15 16:48:15
